Announcements and Statements

Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship 2018 Graduate Student Essay Contest

The SMFS Graduate Student Essay Competition is now open. This competition is open to all currently-enrolled graduate students, including those who will complete their degree in the current year. Papers submitted for consideration should be polished, original scholarly work and may cover any aspect of medieval studies that focuses on issues of women, gender, and/or sexuality.


      1. Papers should be no longer than 8000 words, not counting foot/endnotes and bibliography.
      1. Papers should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (doc OR docx), double-spaced with standard margins, and include a FULL citation apparatusfoot- or endnotes and bibliography, all in Chicago Manual of Style [preferable] or MLA format.

Papers that do not conform to these basic guidelines will be returned with a request to revise in accordance with required length and formatting.

The prize will be 5 years membership of SMFS and publication of the winning paper, subject to editing, in our journal Medieval Feminist Forum.

Deadline for submission of papers is 1 October 2018. The winner will be announced around 1 February 2019. There may be years when the prize will not be awarded, depending on submissions in that given year.

Send all submissions (via email attachment) and correspondence to Melissa Ridley Elmes,