Announcements and Statements

SMFS Elections: Call For Nominations

It is time to begin the process of our annual elections for the Advisory
Board of the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship. Here is a summary
of elections-related activity occurring this year:

Executive Team departures:

–Liz Herbert McAvoy is stepping down after her two years of service as
President. Thank you SO much, Liz, for everything you have done on behalf
of SMFS.

–Linda Mitchell will move into the President’s position from the
Vice-Presidency. Yay, Linda!

–After serving a term and a renewed term, Vickie Larson has requested that
the Treasurer’s position go up for election. Thank you SO much to Vickie
for her dedication and service to the society in this position!

Advisory Board Departures:

Laura Saetveit-Miles (2015-2017)

Leah Schwebel (2015-2017)

Amy Vines (2015-2017; but staying on as an associate editor of MFF)

Jennfer Freeman ( Grad rep, 2015-2017)

Many thanks to those who are stepping down from the advisory board for
their service to the organization.

We will therefore be electing the following positions:

Vice-President, for a 2-year term (2018-2019), to then move into the
President’s position for a 2-year term in 2020-2021 (a 4-year commitment)

Treasurer/Membership, for a 5-year term (2018-2022)

3 regular ad board members, for three-year terms (2018-2020),

1 graduate student representative on a 3-year commitment (must be a
graduate student at the time of election, but can roll into faculty or
alt-ac during the 3-year service term; 2018-2020)

Regarding the Treasurer’s Position: NB that as per bylaws, ” It is
expected that s/he will hold the treasury in an academic institution,
through which the Society will have non-profit status.” Those asking to be
considered for this position should have the support of their host
institution concerning housing the SMFS funds, and should make that support
known at the time of the nomination.

*The call for nominations is now open, and will run through November 10*.

Candidates should be members of SMFS, or join SMFS prior to elections (November 15). Self- nominations are acceptable. Please send your nomination(s) together with a brief bio to .

Information about these positions, clarification about the process, and answers to questions about the elections can also be obtained by writing to Dr. Elmes at the above email address.