Announcements and Statements

Elections Results

We are pleased to announce the results of this year’s Advisory Board elections, held earlier this month, in which the membership elected a new Vice-President, Treasurer/Membership Coordinator, three regular board members and one graduate student member. These are:

Vice President

Melissa Ridley Elmes (Lindenwood University)

Treasurer / Membership Coordinator

Amy Vines (University of North Carolina – Greensboro)

Regular Ad Board Members

Jonathan Hsy (George Washington University)
Bettina Bildhauer (University of St Andrews)
Janine Peterson (Marist University)

Graduate Student Member

Jenny Bledsoe (Emory University)

Many congratulations to all those elected!

Thanks and gratitude as well to our outgoing board members: Liz Herbert McAvoy (President), Vickie Larsen (Treasurer/Membership), Laura Saetveit Miles, Leah Schwebel and Jennifer Freeman, whose efforts have been instrumental in helping SMFS to continue our mission of promoting and developing initiatives towards greater equity and inclusivity in the Academy.

Finally, we encourage all members who are interested in leadership roles within the organization to speak to current and past Advisory Board members about their experiences, and to consider running in future elections.