Announcements and Statements

E. Jane Burns to be 2016 Foremothers Society Honoree

SMFS is pleased to announce that the Medieval Foremothers Society will be honoring the scholarly and professional contributions of Professor E. Jane Burns at this year’s Congress on Medieval Studies. Jane is a co-founder of SMFS and a founding editor of the Medieval Feminist Newsletter, original source of the Medieval Feminist Forum. We have organized two sessions reflecting Professor Burns’ interests and influence:

Friday, May 13 1:30 pm Session 249, Schneider 1220

In Honor of E. Jane Burns I: Gender and Society
Sponsor: Medieval Foremothers Society
Organizer: Laine E. Doggett, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Presider: Daniel O’Sullivan, Univ. of Mississippi

“Unwilling Wives: Doon, Melian, and Bisclavret,” Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner, Boston College
“Complicated Couples: Love Stories in L’Atre périlleux,” Kristin L. Burr, St. Joseph’s Univ.
“When the Knight Undresses, His Clothing Speaks: Vestimentary: Allegories in the Works of Baudouin de Condé (ca. 1240–1280),” Sarah-Grace Heller, Ohio State Univ

Friday, May 13 3:30 pm Session 303, Schneider 1220

In Honor of E. Jane Burns II: Feminists and Feminisms in the Academy (A Roundtable)
Sponsor: Medieval Foremothers Society
Organizer: Laine E. Doggett, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Presider: Laine E. Doggett

“Other Bodies, Other Rooms: Moving Forward with Feminism in Medieval French Studies,” Roberta L. Krueger, Hamilton College
“Feminism, Gender Studies, and Medieval Art Historians,” Madeline H. Caviness, Tufts Univ.
“How Problematic Is the Term Woman in the Study of the Past?” Elizabeth Robertson, Univ. of Glasgow “Reconstructing Medieval Women’s Libraries: Obstacles and Achievements” Cynthia J. Brown, Univ. of California–Santa Barbara Feminists
“Medievalists in the Classroom and the Tower: Teaching and Administration as Feminist Work,” Lisa Perfetti, Whitman College

In addition, the Foremothers Society is sponsoring a LUNCHEON in honor of Professor Burns. The event will take place on Thursday, May 12 from 11:30-1:30 pm at The Oaklands, the bed and breakfast located on the WMU campus across from the Bernhard Center.  The luncheon will feature a Southwestern Salad Buffet (including bean salad, corn salad, and grilled chicken), as well as extra vegetable options for vegetarians. We’ll serve your choice of coffee, tea, and various sodas, and offer wine for toasting Jane’s friendship and scholarly accomplishments. Price, including tax and gratuity, is $30 regular, $15 for graduate students and underemployed scholars.

If you are going to be at Kalamazoo and wish to join us at the luncheon, please register here at the SMFS website under the EVENTS tab.  Payment can be made through PayPal or by check (details on registration form).

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Bonnie Krueger at
If you run into any trouble registering or would prefer to pay at the event, please contact Vickie Larsen at