Announcements and Statements

Call for Submissions: 2014 Best Graduate Student Essay Competition

Graduate Student Essay Contest

The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship (SMFS) is pleased to announce that this year’s  Graduate Student Essay Competition is now open.   This  competition is open to all graduate students, including those who will complete their degree in the current year. The paper should be under 25 pages (double-spaced)  and engage in interesting ways with questions of gender and/or sexuality in the Middle Ages. Papers in all disciplines are encouraged. The prize will be 5 years’ membership of SMFS and publication of the winning paper, subject to editing, in our journal Medieval Feminist Forum.

There may be years when the prizes will not be awarded, depending on submissions in that given year. The deadline for submission for the  2014 competition is Monday, September 15, 2014. Please email your submission as a Word attachment to Liz Herbert McAvoy (