We are pleased to announce the call for nominations and submissions for the 2021 SMFS Best Article of Medieval Feminist Scholarship Prize. Articles published in calendar years 2019 and 2020 will be considered for this prize.
Articles submitted for this prize will be assessed on both scholarly merit and relevance to the remit of SMFS. Topics are open, including issues regarding women, gender, trans* studies, feminist approaches and theory, and intersectionality. Range of study must, however, focus on the medieval period (ca. 500 to 1500).
The prize is US $300.00.
Deadline for submissions is 1 December 2020. Announcement of prizewinner will occur in late February/early March 2021.
Please send all submissions electronically (via email), in an attached OFFICIAL pdf version/file of the article with the publication information clearly identified, to Melissa Ridley Elmes, MElmes@lindenwood.edu, subject heading: “Submission, SMFS Best Article Prize.” Make sure to include all contact information for the author.