Announcements and Statements

2018 SMFS Elections: Call for nominations

It is time to begin the process of our annual elections to the Advisory Board of the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship. Here is a summary of elections-related activity occurring this year:

Advisory Board Departures:

Jessica Barr (2016-2018)

Nicole Nolan Sidhu (moved into executive team position, 2018)

Jessica Ward (graduate student representative, 2016-2018)

The executive Team, on behalf of the Advisory Board and society membership, wishes to expressed our gratitude to these departing members of the ad board for your efforts in support of our organization’s many initiatives over the past several years. Thank you, Jessica, Jessica, and Nicole!

We will be electing the following positions in the 2018 elections:

2 regular ad board members, for three-year terms (2019-2021.)

1 graduate student representative for a 3-year commitment (must be a graduate student at the time of election, but can roll into faculty or alt-ac during the 3-year service term; 2019-2021.)

*The call for nominations to these positions is now open, and will run through Monday, November 5*.

Nominations may be made by any current member of SMFS (now is a good time to renew your membership for 2019 if you have not already done so!) Self-nominations are acceptable.

Candidates should be members of SMFS, or join SMFS prior to the election. Self- nominations are acceptable. Please send your nomination(s) together with a brief biographical/ candidate’s statement

Information about these positions, clarification about the process, and answers to questions about the elections can also be obtained by writing to Dr. Elmes at the above email address.


2018 Elections timeframe:

October 22-November 5: Call for nominations to the ballot

November 9-16: voting period (all SMFS members with current membership during this voting period are eligible to vote)

November 19: Results announcement