Call for Submissions
The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship announces the 2017 competition for the Best Article of Feminist Scholarship on the Middle Ages.
The SMFS Awards Committee solicits nominations for Best Article in any area of medieval studies. Nominated articles should represent the best in feminist scholarship published in the past two years, 2014–2016. Articles may have appeared in journals or essay collections. The prize, which includes an award of $300, will be announced at the SMFS business meeting at the 2017 International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo. Self-nominations are welcome. Writers may submit only one article for the competition. The article needs to be have been produced or published in 2015 or 2016, that is between the end of 2014 and the date of submission to us. Those published in 2014 will be ineligible.
Please send a copy of the published article (preferably as a .pdf document via e-mail), along with a brief cover message that summarizes the article’s merits and contributions and that provides the relevant publication information by Friday, December 2, 2016 to:
Professor Liz Herbert McAvoy